I say awesome and super a lot. Besides that, here is some AWESOME things that I will be talking about in season two…coming soon to a podcast provider near you!
Episode One - The Monkee Resurgence
Published: 1/10/2022
I laugh, you laugh and we all laugh. This episode is everything the Monkees. They had a resurgence in 1986 and I remember watching them on TV. It lead to my love for them. I hope this may bring their music to you and find a new respect for this industry made band.
Episode Two - The Book Fair!
Published: 1/17/2022
You like books? You remember scholastic book orders? How about the book fair? Well, let me tell you about them.
Episode Three - Music Videos of the '80s
Published: 2/2/2022
MTV started in the ’80s. Some were bizarre and some were just over the top. Let us dive into some of the best-remembered videos during the era of excess.
Episode Four - The Cars That Got Us There
Published: 2/9/2022
Your parents had them and you wanted one. Remember that old leather seat or perhaps the old fabric ones? The ones where you sat in the back and argued over the music that would be played. Or when your parents threatened to turn the car around if you didn’t pipe down. Here are my experiences with cars of the ’80s and ’90s.
Episode Five - Nostalgic Escapism With Video Games
Do you ever just want to escape everyday reality? I do it through music and through video games. Let me tell you about them.
Episode Six - Holidays & Birthdays the Bygone Years
I always loved the anticipation of the holidays. Days off from school, great food, and family. Things have changed over the years, but let me take you down memory lane.
Episode Seven - Top 5 Bottom 5 MCU Movies with Special Guest
Finally! My son Bryce joins me as a special guest to discuss our top five and bottom five MCU movies and shows.