Behind The Scenes of My Writing Process

We all have our process for what we do. Whether we are getting ready in the morning to how we settle in for the night. Writing is no different. Maybe getting comfy in your favorite chair with your laptop.  Or perhaps you like pen and paper, like me.  Maybe be at a desk or sitting on the porch.  When I lived on our farm, I found the open space of a field to be a great writing spot.  A park or a body of water is always a lovely place to bring out that inspiration along with the fresh air.  We all want to get into the zone and let that writing flow loose.  After all my posts saying, hey try this, or maybe this will work, I figured let me show you some of my setups and what I do to get the content up.

This is my desk. I recently moved my desk down to the second floor. My “office” area is on the third floor, and it gets severely hot up there even when it is not super hot outside. To save on electricity and cooling costs, we shut the upstairs off and move the computers down.  The desk I got was specific for the length.  I wanted an area where I could write and have space for my keyboard and mouse. By the time it gets to this desk, I usually have written some form of an outline and the work that is done on this computer has a lot to do with recording and schoolwork.

Here is my array of notebooks and binders where all the work is really done. I know we have computers, portable devices that we can easily use, but I like to write.  I like that feeling and the blank page calls out to be written on.

These are my lists.  I list everything out when it comes to scheduling my blog and beyond. I also list ideas of what these blogs are going to be about.  I list my podcast information and I outline things, so I know how I want them to be laid out.

Anything to do with my website, social media, and podcast I am really organized and regimented.  I may take some time away from it, but when I get into it, it is done with care and planning.  My schoolwork is also done with this type of care.  Mainly because I am getting graded, and it affects my overall GPA for graduation.  Plus, I am paying a pretty penny to be there.  I better get my butt going on that.  With my poetry, it is usually when I am feeling strongly about something.  Perhaps life is giving me some issues, or I am letting depression get the better of me.  That usually spurs me to write a poem to help me place into words what I am feeling.  Then I will go back and edit it, reword, and perhaps reorganize it for it to be published later.

Here are my main four notebooks that have my novels.   These are all works in progress.  I have yet to apply the organized, scheduled manner to these longer versions of my writing. Trying to take my own advice, so that I can do this and get published. I am expanding on a lot of my passions and talents. I think these are my next steps. These will no longer be hidden behind the covers, but out and being enjoyed.

In the end, what I do may not work for everyone. These are only to give you a peak behind the curtain, so to speak. Perhaps they will give you some ideas on how to help you get into a groove or a better place to write. Check out my other blog post regarding writing spots here. In the end, it is up to you to find your groove. Do you write in a book, on a desktop, laptop, or maybe a tablet?  It doesn’t matter, it is what makes you comfortable and gets that inspiration going. So, get out there and write!

If you enjoyed this post, please check out my others.  Do you like podcasts?  Do you like talking about nostalgic things?  Well, check out my podcast here! Thank you for checking out my site!

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