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Hello and welcome to these hallowed halls called a blog. I am Gabrielle Cataldi, and I am a writer, author, editor, blogger, and podcaster. Here you will find some interesting posts. Some about writing and how to maneuver over hurdles. Others with lists to help push through some challenges you may have while writing. Deeper still there are thoughts about life and this crazy world we live in. I will post snippets of what I am working on for you to check out. I offer help in editing, writing for social media, content writing, resumes, cover letters, etc. I am also open to write for external blog posts. Please check out my writing style and examples of my work throughout this website . 

We all have our own way of writing and what we find to be comfortable for each of us. If you are interested in who I am, please check out my about me page. It will give you a little run down on what I have accomplished and what I am currently working on. So, step on through and venture forth with me. An adventure awaits both of us and that pot of gold, or prince Charming, is begging to be found. 

Recent Blog Post from Gabrielle Cataldi .


The Reality Check Romance Novels Owe Us

The Reality Check Romance Novels Owe Us In the age of TikTok, Instagram reels, and viral love stories, it’s easy to get swept up in the fantasy of romance novels. These stories often feature impossibly perfect characters who seem to have it all—looks, charm, and an unshakable sense of purpose. They

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Top 5 Hits That Sound Deep but Say Nothing

Top 5 Hits That Sound Deep but Say Nothing I am a huge proponent of songs that have deep meaningful lyrics. One such album that spoke to me was Delerium’s Poem. If you can remember back when we went out to purchase CDs and within those CDs, they had little booklets

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Top Five Worst Movies I Have Seen

Top Five Worst Movies I Have Seen We all have our favorite movies. I have made a few lists already full of them. But what about the movies that were just so terrible you either couldn’t make it through or you were left wondering what the hell you just watched? There

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Top Five Supernatural Episodes

Top Five Supernatural Episodes I can remember when this series first was teased. I was very excited to watch it. I wasn’t disappointed. So, my love affair began with this show. Besides the fact of having a huge crush on Jensen Ackles, it offered stories of myth, local legends, and even

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The Phenomenon of Friday: More Than Just a Day

The Phenomenon of Friday: More Than Just a Day Friday rolls in with a promise, a whisper of freedom on the cusp of the weekend. It’s the universal sigh of relief, the finish line tape that we all break with exhausted yet exhilarating strides. There’s a palpable shift in the air

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Recent Podcasts - That 80s Child- Generation Why?

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