Blog Inspiration

Blog Inspiration: Where to find it

Writing to keep up with a blog can be tiring and draining on the inspiration pool.  So how can you keep up with the schedule and not dry out?  It may just be right in front of you.  Everyday things you may classify as routine can be a topic of conversation.  Hell, I wrote about the desk job.  We are all in this life that we are making our ways through.  Sharing in our trials and tribulations can bring in the audience and creating a community.

Another way to find something to write about is see what holidays are coming up.  You can discuss how you celebrate, recipes and ideas for gifts.  Even decorating.  If you want to get sentimental you could discuss past holidays, how it has changed and traditions you are keeping alive.  We all like to reminisce of better days and the past.  Bringing in that nostalgia factor is a bonus.

Hobbies are a great way to start.  I enjoy gaming and I bring that into my blog.  Finding the time to get work and life situated to be able to play.  Bringing in the writing style for certain RPGs (role playing games).  Tie in the creativity of the games with your own writing style and what you enjoy.  Recommendations are a great way to go as well.  I may a top five list and has become more like a series.  A source of inspiration.  Some can produce a whole post rather than just a list.  You can do a tie in.

Most importantly have fun with it.  Blogs are an extension of you and your creativity.  Don’t look at it as a chore, but rather a way to get yourself out there.  I try and get two posts out per week.  Sometimes there may be more if I am feeling good about the ideas that are coming out.  Don’t over do it or create unattainable goals.  You will just set yourself up for failure.  Let it flow.  Make it easy.  Remember to enjoy it and it will just come to you.

If you enjoyed this post, please check out my others.  Do you like podcasts?  Do you like talking about nostalgic things?  Well check out my podcast here! Thank you for checking out my site!

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